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Alexa Von Tess The Badger vs Wenona The Gymnast
Alexa Von Tess The Badger vs Wenona The Gymnast
Acting: Wenona, Alexa Von Tess

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Alexa Von Tess "The Badger" is undefeated this season. She is ranked 9th and has 7 forced submissions to her credit. She is clearly looking to make the next step up to the elite status of Ultimate Surrender wrestlers.

Wenona "The Gymnast" is back for her first season 5 match. She's tall and ripped, and pound for pound the strongest wrestler in the Ultimate Surrender ranks. With 13 forced submissions to her name she is a threat at any time. If her powerful legs get wrapped around you, you have no choice but to submit to the pain.

This was a tough fight for both wrestlers. Going into the last round only 9 points separated these two wrestlers. Who pushed their self to the limit? Who got the win? Who got fucked like a loser slut by the winner?

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Rating:  [*] [*] [*] [ ] [ ] | Added: 26th of February 2010 | Views: 808
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